Client //
Roles //
Art direction / Design
The Brief //
To showcase and promote the Cateye Sync product and the range of integrated lighting solutions for
360-degree visibility
The Solution //
Working with the team at Shift Active Media and Playsports Network a range of Social assets, motion-sensitive interactive digital display, print and PR content drove customers to the website. Consumers quickly saw the key benefits, with a fun and informative interactive website and dramatic 360-degree videos as well as lifestyle films and stills shot in and around London, all held in an international multi-language website.
Results //
+ The client had a multi-language website driving sales across the world
+ Sales teams and distributors had the tool they were after in order to meet their targets
+ An integrated campaign from specialist press, to PR and social, right through to POS and packaging.
+ An extensive photographic and film library of assets for further marketing by internal social & PR teams
+ A successful launch that exceeded Cateye business objectives
Launching the worlds most powerful cordless vacumm
+ Online Video
Conceptualise, visualise, and scope the online video with adherence to the corporate guidelines, ensuring a seamless fit into the marketing mix and the messaging appealed to MAMIL ( Men who wear lycra), urban and casual cyclists.
+ OOH (Out of home) & Digital
A cutting edge motion-sensitive interactive digital display with 360-degree video following users using motion sensors. Demonstrating an innovative brand, key product benefits & driving people to the website to find out more and find a local distributor.
+ OOH (Out of home) & Digital
+ Multi-language responsive website
Liaising directly with the development team, account directors and client to ensure the assets all worked seamlessly within the corporate guidelines, across multiple devices and countries.

+ Social Media
Liaising with social media influencers on a variety of social channels. The #TrustTheCat hashtag would interact with the public in a live way through many channels encouraging them to share via a competition element.