Client //
HSBC Offshore Banking
Roles //
Senior Art Director/Designer
The Brief //
HSBC Offshore banking is an award-winning ex-pat bank account made specifically for people living and working abroad. They wanted to communicate to the ex-pat community their core offering: That no matter how many times you move to a different country, your account stays the same and has all the amazing benefits you would expect. How HSBC can make your life a little bit easier, enabling you to view all of your HSBC accounts around the world with a single log on. A place for your money to grow in a convenient, central location connecting to your home account, for financial commitments in your home country, and to your local accounts, for everyday expenses in the country you’ve moved to. Allowing you to manage all your eligible HSBC accounts from one place.
The Solution //
Being a global banking organisation its was a challenge to be able to demonstrate the vast array of products and resources as well as a variety of countries that were wanting to be represented within one campaign. The key campaign visuals managed to encompass the sense of travel and variety of countries in a single campaign treatment utilising a photographic strip which showed our ex-pat moving from one place to another. Diverse yet always connected and united. It all came together with the campaign line 'Your worlds moving. Your finances don't have to'.
Results //
+ We supplied HSBC Offshore banking with a variety of marcoms materials including above-the-line print, press and outdoor ads localised to their different regions, online videos, a range of brochures, welcome packs, eDMs, POS, banners and a campaign website. A library of marketing tools, tactical tools, graphical elements and illustrations also allowed the participating countries to tailor communications.
+ Both client and the press have been buzzing about the campaign since its launch.
+ We delighted our clients at HSBC Offshore, as well as all countries in the various regions
+ A 40% uplift in awareness
+ The campaign idea is still running after many years!
+ Print, Press & Digital Advertising

+ Art direction & production of a global shoot to be utilised as a library of photography assets across HSBC's international offices

+ Outdoor Experiential
We created a range of outdoor billboards targeting ex-pats in and around airports and train stations

+ Direct mail and welcome Pack for new customers including a vast library of custom photography demonstrating a deep understanding of ex-pat life around the world

An B2B & B2C
launch campaign
Creating a sustainable business & brand